Sciopero Trasporti A Napoli Il 18 Novembre 2024

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Sciopero trasporti a Napoli il 18 novembre 2024: a rischio bus, metro e funicolari
Sciopero trasporti a Napoli il 18 novembre 2024: a rischio bus, metro e funicolari from

sciopero trasporti a Napoli il 18 novembre 2024

Naples transport strike on 18 November 2024: buses, metro and funiculars at risk

The trade unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Faisa Cisal and Orsa Trasporti have proclaimed a 24-hour strike for local public transport in Naples on Saturday 18 November 2023. The strike will affect buses, metro and funiculars. The reasons for the strike concern the renewal of the national collective labour agreement and the lack of personnel. The trade unions are asking for a salary increase in line with inflation, the hiring of new staff and the improvement of working conditions. The strike will start at 00:00 on 18 November 2023 and will end at 24:00 on the same day. The trade unions have asked the public to use alternative means of transport on that day. The strike is expected to cause significant disruption to public transport in Naples.

What are the reasons for the strike?

The trade unions have proclaimed the strike for several reasons. The main reason is the renewal of the national collective labour agreement. The current collective labour agreement expired on 31 December 2021 and the trade unions have not yet reached an agreement with the employers' association. The trade unions are asking for a salary increase in line with inflation, the hiring of new staff and the improvement of working conditions.

What are the consequences of the strike?

The strike will cause significant disruption to public transport in Naples. Buses, metro and funiculars will be stopped for 24 hours. The trade unions have asked the public to use alternative means of transport on that day.

What are the alternatives to public transport?

There are several alternatives to public transport in Naples. You can use taxis, private hire vehicles, bicycles or scooters. You can also walk or use the park and ride service.