Bhiwani News 108 Dengue Positive Cases Found In The District Fogging Still Slow

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Bhiwani News: जिले में डेंगू के 108 पॉजिटिव केस मिले, अब भी फॉगिंग का काम धीमा
Bhiwani News: जिले में डेंगू के 108 पॉजिटिव केस मिले, अब भी फॉगिंग का काम धीमा from

Bhiwani News: 108 Dengue Positive Cases Found in the District, Fogging Still Slow


The district of Bhiwani, which is already reeling under the grip of dengue, has now witnessed a sharp increase in the number of positive cases. As per the latest reports, 108 people have tested positive for dengue in Bhiwani district. This alarming rise in the number of cases has put the health authorities on high alert, and they are taking all necessary steps to control the spread of the disease.

The district administration has intensified its efforts to combat the dengue menace. Fogging operations are being carried out in full swing, and teams of health workers are visiting affected areas to conduct surveillance and provide treatment to patients.

Causes of Dengue Outbreak

The primary reason behind the rapid spread of dengue in Bhiwani is the presence of stagnant water bodies and poor sanitation conditions. These conditions provide an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, which transmit the dengue virus.

Another contributing factor is the lack of awareness among the general public about the preventive measures that can be taken to avoid dengue. This has resulted in people not taking adequate precautions, such as using mosquito repellents or wearing long sleeves and pants.

Preventive Measures

To prevent the further spread of dengue, it is crucial for the community to take collective action.

Role of Health Authorities

The health authorities have a significant role to play in controlling the dengue outbreak in Bhiwani.


The dengue situation in Bhiwani is a cause for concern, but it can be effectively controlled with the concerted efforts of the community and the health authorities. By taking preventive measures and seeking timely treatment, we can break the chain of transmission and bring the situation under control.